Place: Perlamayo - Huabal
Varieties: Typica, Catimor, and Caturra.
Activity: Drying
Varieties: Typica, Villasarchi, Catimor, Caturra
Place: Yungasuyo, Lonya Grande
Varieties: Catuai, Geisha
Place: Santo Tomas, Cutervo - Cajamarca
Collection of cherry ripe
Variety: Red Caturra
Wilman Vasquez Villalobos
Variety: Catimor
Place: Perlamayo, Jaen - Cajamarca
Cristino Vasquez Alfaro
Activity: nursery Management
Variety: Geisha
Place: Perlamayo, Jaen-Cajamarca
Luciano Cubas Tarrillo
Activity: Nursery Management
Variety: Geisha
Place: Perlamayo, Jaen - Cajamarca
Layout of beds of chiming at the level of nursery
Variety: Catuai
Place: Naranjoyacu, Cutervo - Cajamarca
Activity carried out on the premises of the cooperative
Variety: Catimor
Place: Perlamayo, Jaen - Cajamarca
Farmhouse Rodriguez Tafur, Lonya Grande, Amazonas
Variety: Catimor
Phase of flowering in coffee
Appearance of the flower of the coffee season
Location: Amoju Cooperative, Jaen - Cajamarca
Location: Amoju Cooperative, Jaen - Cajamarca
Farms of our producers in the heights of Cajamarca
Activity: Nursery Management
Variety: Geisha
Place: Perlamayo, Jaen - Cajamarca
Location: Amoju Cooperative, Jaen - Cajamarca
Variety: Caturra and Pache
Place: Perlamayo, Jaen - Cajamarca
Activity: Drying of coffee
Place: Naranjoyacu, Cutervo - Cajamarca
Dilmer Terrones Cabrera
Variety: Catuai and Gran Colombia
Location: Naranjos - Rioja-San Martin
Variety: Catuai and Gran Colombia
Location: Naranjos, Rioja - San Martin
Activity: Collection of cherry blossoms
Variety: Gran Colombia
Place: Juan Velasco Alvarado, Rioja - San Martin.
Activity: nursery Management
Variety: Geisha and Pink Bourbon
Place: Perlamayo, Jaen - Cajamarca
Activity: Collection Of Cherry Blossoms
Variety: Catuai and Gran Colombia
Location: Naranjos, Rioja - San Martin.
Activity: Nursery Management
Variety: Geisha
Location: Rodriguez Tafur, Lonya Grande - Amazonas
Variety: Catimor
Special coffees that cover the hills of Cajamarca
Coffees produced in the heights of Amazonas